October 13, 2023

Students enjoy illuminating visit from BBC Bitesize
600 students at Martin High School were recently treated to a live performance from BBC Bitesize.As part of an ongoing secondary schools tour, BBC Bitesize spoke to the students about career prospects and explained the opportunities that are available to them once they leave school
Hosted by regular BBC presenter, Jasmine Takhar, Bitesize delivered four hour-long sessions – one each for Year 7, 8 and 9, and then a combined one for Year 10 and 11 – and invited professionals from the local area to also speak to students.
The students listened to stories from Nasreen Khan (Managing Director of Roscoco Events), Shakila Ali (BBC Content Impact Manager) and Kelly Greaney (Radiography Technician).
Taking place in the school’s main hall, the event was highly interactive. The team brought a full BBC set, including staging and television monitors. They played several short videos and passed around a microphone within a rugby ball, allowing the students to ask the guests questions about their jobs and what their role entailed.
The students were particularly interested in careers within the media, especially after listening to Jasmine and Shakila; some of them had even watched Phoenix Rise, a programme Shakila had previously worked on.
They all thoroughly enjoyed the event, though, finding it interesting and insightful. It certainly got them thinking about the different career options available to them once they leave school!
“We are incredibly privileged to have experienced the BBC Bitesize Career Roadshow,” said Vice Principal Mr Seaward.
“From the inspirational panellists to the informative career-specific information the event was a great success and a wonderful experience for all of our learners."