December 16, 2022

Martin High’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance
An amazing three performances of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were given by fabulous Martin High School learners in December, entertaining the audience every time!
The cast worked incredibly hard over the past weeks, learning their lines and stage directions to pull off a show-stopping performance. They couldn’t have done this without our pupil-led team of stage crew who controlled the lighting and sound over the three nights .Each show was brilliant and the learners’ confidence grew each night.
It was a Martin High performing arts spectacular which also saw members of the orchestra working together to help keep the choreographed dances in time with the music; the cherry on top of the already amazing cake!
A huge team effort by all the staff involved including back stage, set design, script doctoring, costumes, props, photography, main hall preparations and helpers during the intervals.
We are so incredibly proud of every single person involved; what a talented team of young people they are!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!