At Martin High School we pride ourselves on supporting learners’ academic and personal progress through a strong curriculum and a number of enrichment opportunities.Every young person is a valued individual and we want to create a platform for them to go beyond their expectations; parents will know they can feel safe in the knowledge that their child will be encouraged to be everything they want to be. Extra curricular activities as diverse as sport, the arts, classics, and languages such as Spanish offer learners the chance to work with peers, challenge themselves, and find new interests. Trips and excursions, visiting speakers, and careers support start learners thinking about life beyond school and encourage aspiration. Our Year 7 learners also enjoy participation in whole school drama productions, sports teams, and design exhibitions.
The Martin High School looks to develop our pupils holistically. We aim to not only achieve academic excellence, but more importantly that individuals achieve personal development which stands them in good stead as they move beyond our direct influence and into young adulthood.
This development can come through a number of sources, and will primarily be realised through encouragement and support in their home life. However, within the confines of what we are able to offer at School we look to providing all pupils with the opportunity to take part in our extracurricular enrichment clubs and teams.
The following is not an exhaustive list of activities available to pupils at MHS and some vary dependant on the time of year. There will be nominal charges for some clubs to cover running cost/materials and all clubs will work best when supported by parents e.g. arranging for pupils to be collected at the end of after School clubs and coming to watch inter-school sports fixtures when possible.
Martin High School offers a wide range of extra curricular activities in all Key Stages to help enrich the learners experience and inspire learners to explore their passions. Below is a sample of extra curricular activities that have been organised previously. Our extra curricular calendar is very much organised around learner interests and passion. Having a large staff body means that if learners are passionate about something we can usually find a member of staff who is too and who is able to cater for their needs.
For Extra Curricular Activities 2024 PDF please click here.
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Everyday | Home and Game club | E6 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Tuesday | Archaeology | H5 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Thursday | Crochet Club |
Lab 4 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
- View the Year 7 and 8 Reading Lists
- View the Year 9 Reading List
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Monday | Creative Writing Club | D1 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Everyday | Quiet reading time in Library | Library |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Thursday | Bullet Journalling Club |
Lab 4 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Maths
MHS has a new Science Technology Engineering and Maths group made up of enthusiastic students and staff from Science, Design Technology and Maths Depts. We have had 2 meetings so far and come up with some amazing activities that we want the school to take part in.
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Tuesday | Science Homework Support | ICT 1 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Tuesday | Eco Club | Lab 4 |
3:05 - 4:00 PM |
Thursday | GCSE Science Grade Boosters |
Lab 1 |
3:05 - 4:00 PM |
Friday | KS3 Science support Lab |
Lab 5 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Monday | Spanish Club | A6 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Monday | French Club | A3 |
3:05 - 4:00 PM |
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Tuesday | Lunch Club for KS3 and KS4 with Miss Newton | Art 1 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Monday | After School Sessions for KS3 and KS4 with Miss Newton | Art 1 |
3:05- 4:00 PM |
Thursday | Year 10 Art Club with Miss Marsh | Art 2 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Thursday | Christmas Production Design Group with Miss Marsh | Main Hall then Art 2 |
3:15 - 4:30 PM |
Friday | Lunch Club for KS3 and KS4 with Miss Marsh | Art 2 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Tuesday | KS4 Drama Club with Mrs Hawkins | Drama 1 |
3:05 - 4:15 PM |
Thursday | LET Radio Station Club with Mr Davison | iMac Suite |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Thursday | Christmas Production Rehearsals | Main Hall |
3:15 - 4:30 PM |
Click here for detail about music tuition at the MHS
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Monday | Rock Group Practice | Music Practice Room |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Monday | Christmas Production - Full Cast Singing with Mrs Shaw | MU1 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Tuesday | MHS Vocals with Mrs Styles (Singing Teacher) | MU1 |
3.05 - 4.00 PM |
Wednesday | Axes to Grind (Guitar Club) with Mr Golding (Guitar Teacher) | iMac Suite |
3.05 - 4.00 PM |
Thursday | Christmas Production Rehearsals | Main Hall |
3:15 - 4:30 PM |
Thursday | MHS Sinfonia with Mrs Shaw | MU1 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Thursday | Rock Group Practice | Music Practice Room |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Friday | Rock Group Practice | Music Practice Room |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Friday | Music Tech Club with Mr Davison | iMac Suite |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
Friday | Keyboard Club with Mrs Shaw | MU1 |
12:45 - 1:25 PM |
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Thursday | Textiles & Product Design booster sessions (Yr11) | Textiles 2 |
After School |
Physical Education
For more details, please email Mr Charlesworth on [email protected] or check out our Martin High PE Facebook Page. All clubs are open to everyone in all years, and run from 3-4pm. In order to attend, students need to sign up via Beehive Events. Our sports clubs will change each half term so keep an eye on the website for updates.
day | activity | Room |
Time |
Monday | Football | Field | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |
Monday | Netball | Main Playground | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |
Tuesday | KS4 Yoga | Dance Studio | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |
Friday | Football | Field | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |
Friday | Netball | Main Playground | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |
Friday | Fitness | Fitness Suite | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |
Friday | Basketball | Sports hall | 3:05pm - 4:00 PM |