Attendance And Conduct

Good attendance matters

It is important that learners attend school every day in order for them to achieve their full potential. It has been proven that there is a direct link between learners attendance and how well they achieve at school. There is a detrimental impact on achievement if learners do not attend every day. Therefore, Martin High School does not approve holidays during term time.

Learners should not be taken out of school unless absolutely necessary; every day really does count. Parents/carers should be aware that if their child is absent for 10 school days, they will miss 5% of their education during that academic year.

Good attendance matters and the aim should always be 100% attendance.

To support your child in achieving this:

  • Do not take holidays during term time
  • Expect your child to attend school unless they have a genuine illness
  • Ensure that your child is well prepared for the school day and arrives with the correct equipment for learning (including planner and P.E kit) and that homework has been completed
  • Ensure that they arrive to school on time, every day
  • If you have any concerns, contact the school immediately

If your child is ill, you should notify the school by ringing the absence line on each morning of their illness. To notify us of any absence, please ring the main reception number: 0116 2363291 and select option 1. Clearly state your child’s name, tutor group and the reason for the absence.

All illness must be reported by 9.30am daily. For all appointments; please provide a copy of the appointment card, text or letter in advance of the appointment.
Please use the MyEd App to report absence or call 0116 236 3291 option 1. Please do not use the office email address for absence 
MyEd is the free parent app that gives you the ability to correspond with the Attendance Team. We will be able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's absence.

You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us, if you have downloaded the app

The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices; you can scan the attached QR code or follow the steps below
Step 1 - Go to your App Store

Step 2 - Search for My Ed

Step 3 - Download the Free app

Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for The Martin High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please note you must use the telephone number  / email currently associated with your child on our school database.
MyEd is the free parent app that enables two way communication about attendance. MyEd is free to use and works in a similar way to WhatsApp, by downloading the App you will be able to respond directly to messages for free *please note you must sign up with the email we have associated with your child on our school system 

MyEd App Scan Me
Penalty Notices

Holiday absence

Please note that parents/carers are expected to take holidays during the school holidays. Holiday will not be authorised during term time. Due to Government regulations regarding school attendance, all unauthorised absences will be subject to Penalty Notice consideration by the Local Authority. Penalty notices are £60 per parent, per child, if paid within 21 days of receipt, rising to £120 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days. There is no right of appeal against a Penalty Notice. If you choose to take your child away, his/her absence will be marked as unauthorised and this will be evident by registers kept at the school and by census and other data we are required to submit to the Local Authority. Please refer to our Attendance Policy if you require further clarification.

Parent Absence Request Form

Exceptional circumstances

If you need to request absence for your child due to exceptional circumstances for either part of the school day or for a whole school day, please send a letter to Miss Meadowcroft, Assistant Head Teacher or Mrs Sanchez, Head Teacher detailing this request.
View or download Martin High School Attendance Matters Newsletter