Post 16 Bursary
The Government introduced a Post 16 Bursary Scheme to enable schools and colleges to provide some financial support where a student’s financial circumstances are a barrier to their learning.Cedars Martin Sixth Form has joined together with other sixth forms in Leicestershire to provide the Leicestershire Sixth Form Bursary Scheme. We plan to offer our 16-19 bursary again in 2020 (subject to confirmation of funding). This help is available to students who want to study at Cedars Martin. A guaranteed bursary is available to young people who are:
- Young people in care and care leavers
- Young people in receipt of income support
- Young people on free school meals
- Disabled young people in receipt of both Employment
Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance.
Further information on the 16-19 bursary is available through the admissions process.