CEIAG Programme

Year 7

  • Aspirations Evening
  • Labour market information shared with parents during Aspirations and careers events throughout the year, including new Year 7 parents in the first term
  • Shared information with learners during CEAIG focussed assemblies across all Years 7-11
  • PDC curriculum for KS3 and 4 delivered by tutors to have a comprehensive CEIAG set of resources that staff are expected to delivered at key times during the year to all years
  • Use of “Careers mark” logo during lesson times to signify when Teachers are addressing CEAIG content
  • CEIAG drop-down days so each subject has a Career focus on a day planned during the year (link to National careers week) to be delivered to all year groups
  • Focus on Apprenticeship provision during National apprenticeship week through assemblies and PDC programme
  • Year 7 learners to complete “my future job” activity during induction and a written task on describing their job of the future
  • Create opportunities for our EA to attend learner assemblies to discuss roles within their business and routes into that sector
  • Targeted learners to attend workplace trips (Covid Dependant)
  • Gardening Club
  • Textiles Club
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons
  • DJ Turntablism Club
  • Orchestra
  • iMac Club
  • Themed weeks such as National Apprenticeship Week and Careers in Focus Week

Year 8

  • Labour market information shared with parents during Aspirations and careers events throughout the year
  • Shared information with learners during CEAIG focussed assemblies across all Years 7-11
  • PDC curriculum for KS3 and 4 delivered by tutors to have a comprehensive CEIAG set of resources that staff are expected to delivered at key times during the year to all years
  • Use of “Careers mark” logo during lesson times to signify when Teachers are addressing CEAIG content
  • CEIAG drop-down days so each subject has a Career focus on a day planned during the year (link to National careers week) to be delivered to all year groups
  • Focus on Apprenticeship provision during National apprenticeship week through assemblies and PDC programme
  • Create opportunities for our EA to attend learner assemblies to discuss roles within their business and routes into that sector
  • Targeted learners to attend workplace trips (Covid Dependant)
  • Gardening Club
  • Textiles Club
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons
  • DJ Turntablism Club
  • Orchestra
  • iMac Club
  • Takeover Day
  • Options Evening with links to Careers

Year 9

  • Labour market information shared with parents during Aspirations and careers events throughout the year
  • Shared information with learners during CEAIG focussed assemblies
  • PDC curriculum delivered by tutors to have a comprehensive CEIAG set of resources that staff are expected to delivered at key times during the year to all years
  • Use of “Careers mark” logo during lesson times to signify when Teachers are addressing CEAIG content
  • CEIAG drop-down days so each subject has a Career focus on a day planned during the year (link to National careers week) to be delivered to all year groups
  • Focus on Apprenticeship provision during National apprenticeship week through assemblies and PDC programme
  • Create opportunities for our EA to attend learner assemblies to discuss roles within their business and routes into that sector
  • Targeted learners to attend workplace trips (Covid Dependant)
  • Gardening Club
  • Textiles Club
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons
  • DJ Turntablism Club
  • Orchestra
  • iMac Club
  • Takeover Day
  • Options Evening with links to Careers
  • Liaise with local sixth form providers and Trust colleagues to speak to Year 9 learners in assemblies regarding future pathways

Year 10

  • Labour market information shared with parents during Aspirations and careers events throughout the year
  • Shared information with learners during CEAIG focussed assemblies
  • PDC curriculum delivered by tutors to have a comprehensive CEIAG set of resources that staff are expected to delivered at key times during the year to all years
  • Use of “Careers mark” logo during lesson times to signify when Teachers are addressing CEAIG content
  • CEIAG drop-down days so each subject has a Career focus on a day planned during the year (link to National careers week) to be delivered to all year groups
  • Focus on Apprenticeship provision during National apprenticeship week through assemblies and PDC programme
  • Create opportunities for our EA to attend learner assemblies to discuss roles within their business and routes into that sector
  • Targeted learners to attend workplace trips (Covid Dependant)
  • Gardening Club
  • Textiles Club
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons
  • DJ Turntablism Club
  • Orchestra
  • iMac Club
  • Takeover Day
  • Options Evening with links to Careers
  • Connexions Appointments for targeted groups
  • Local sixth form providers and Trust colleagues to speak to Year 10 assemblies regarding future pathways
  • Mock Interviews for every Year 10 Learner
  • Post 16 Options Evening with a variety of FE Providers, Unis and Employers

Year 11

  • Labour market information shared with parents during Aspirations and careers events throughout the year
  • Labour Market Assembly and Booklet for Each Year 11 Learner
  • Shared information with learners during CEAIG focussed assemblies
  • PDC curriculum delivered by tutors to have a comprehensive CEIAG set of resources that staff are expected to delivered at key times during the year to all years
  • Use of “Careers mark” logo during lesson times to signify when Teachers are addressing CEAIG content
  • CEIAG drop-down days so each subject has a Career focus on a day planned during the year (link to National careers week) to be delivered to all year groups
  • Focus on Apprenticeship provision during National apprenticeship week through assemblies and PDC programme
  • Create opportunities for our EA to attend learner assemblies to discuss roles within their business and routes into that sector
  • Targeted learners to attend workplace trips (Covid Dependant)
  • Gardening Club
  • Textiles Club
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons
  • DJ Turntablism Club
  • Orchestra
  • iMac Club
  • Takeover Day
  • Options Evening with links to Careers
  • Connexions Appointments for targeted groups
  • Local sixth form providers and Trust colleagues to speak to Year 11 assemblies regarding future pathways
  • Connexions Appointment for every Year 11 Learner
  • Post 16 Options Evening with a variety of FE Providers, Unis and Employers